| 1. | Great britain and france also emphasized basic research . 英国和法国也加强了基础研究。
| 2. | We had at any rate a solid foundation in great britain . 我们在大不列颠总算有了一个稳固的基础。
| 3. | For me, i pray he may be immortal in great britain . 在我看来,我打赌,他将成为大不列颠的不朽英雄。
| 4. | During the war of 1812, congress laid an embargo on commerce with great britain . 1812年战争期内国会下令停止与英国通商。
| 5. | Loud was the protest in the united states and great britain from the oil companies . 在英、美两国,石油公司的抗议很激烈。
| 6. | Those parts of great britain which border upon the irish sea are all grazing countries . 不列颠靠近爱尔兰海的地方,都是牧畜地。
| 7. | He helped his father establish the first permanent motion picture theatres in great britain . 他帮助其父在英国创建了第一批永久性电影院。
| 8. | Once france was prostrate, he must if possible conquer or destroy great britain . 法国一经投降,只要可能,他就必然要征服或毁灭大不列颠。
| 9. | This may well be a diplomatic sop to cover absence of action against great britain . 这很可能是用来掩饰暂不对大不列颠采取行动的一种外交伎俩。
| 10. | The full might of great britain and the united states could not possibly be concentrated in the mediterranean . 英美的全部力量无法集中于地中海。